Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Some Day . . .

*sigh*. . . my dream house. It doesn’t look like much now (and the pic is horrible!! I was walking in the gutter on the side of the road in my heels and church clothes trying to snap a few pictures . . . there is a “no trespassing” sign on the fence and I didn’t want to get in trouble) but it is the house of my dreams. Since I was a little girl, I have always loved this house. Situated in Elk Grove, CA slightly out of town, this historic house has plenty of character & personality . . . and it is FOR SALE!! Of course it is for sale with 19 acres of commercial property making it extremely expensive, but I have been scheming. . . . if someone buys this property they will probably tear the house down to make way for new developments. What if I could buy a small parcel of land around the area and buy just the house (they might give it to me. . save the hassle of bulldozing it) and pay to have it moved down the street to my own property. The house would probably have to be gutted, but as I have never been inside I really have no idea. My next move is to find a realtor who would be willing to take me inside and talk to the owner for me. I also currently do not have any money. I suppose that could be a small bit of a setback. . . .


Anonymous said...

you can do it!!!!!
I love you and you are the most wonderful daughter anyone could ask for!

Janell said...

Goodness but they need some landscaping! Ah well, you can have the house moved to a prettier area and have the yard put in yourself. Just do some eBay for a while... ;)

Ruth said...

If you buy the house I will lend you my fuschia (sp)colored tool belt to use!

Sarah said...

Thanks Lisa!! I would LOVE to put that tool belt to use (I have secretly been desiring to use it. . hehe)