Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I wish you all the best in the upcoming year! As Bishop Nathaniel J. Wilson preached this last Sunday morning, 7 is the number of completion whereas 8 is the number of new beginnings. I am excited to see what “new beginnings” the year 2008 will bring in the lives of all my family and friends. . . yes. . and myself as well. :-)


Music Eloquence said...

And that goes back to you my friend. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me, You (ahem), and everyone out there reading this. =) Happy New Year!

Vonney said...

I can't wait to see what New Male Beginnings He has for you...JK LOL
Love ya and Happy New Year to you too! lol

Jana Allard said...

Sarah - I happened upon your blog via Janell. Hope you are having a great new year. Congrats on meeting Groban. He is an incredible voice. BTW, I like your top blog pic - cute.

Janell said...

Hey! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!! Yes, it will be great in '08. And how how I'd dearly LOVE to say more about your new beginnings but I shall refrain. Mwahahaaaa.......had a blast with you this last Saturday. Thanks for being such an awesome friend to me, I love you so much!

Sarah said...

hummm. . . what could you all be talking about?? hehe

thanks for all the well wishes. . . I love you guys!

Sis. Allard ~ it was so crazy. I still don't believe it happend, but I have the pics to prove it!

James Wilder said...

New Beginnings

Sounds like the name of some dating site. Who needs that though! Right, Sarah!?