Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

To my mother,

First of all . . . . . I love you with all of my heart! You have not only been a wonderful mother to me, but also a true and faithful friend. You have shown more love to me that I could ever deserve. You are absolutely beautiful!

Merci pour toujours!

Sarah Ann

All I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother.

~Abraham Lincoln

Because I feel that

in the heavens above

The angels,

whispering one to


Can find among

their burning tears

of love,

None so devotional

as that of "Mother,"

Therefore, by that

dear name I have

long called you,

You who are more

than mother unto


~Edgar Allan Poe

Happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful Mothers!!


Carly said...

Happy Mothers Day Aunt Bev :) I love you bunches!!!

Anonymous said...

Sarah Bara,
thank you so much! You are a beautiful daughter inside and out! Thanks for being my best friend! I love you dearly!