Wednesday, November 14, 2012

We have landed!

Whewww!  Traveling with two small, high maintenance pups over two days and thousands of miles is quite an ordeal. . . . but I have to say they did quite well in spite of everything!  Mika only had an "accident" once in her carry on and Milo only had to be out of his and on our laps on all three flights to avoid continuous yipping and crying (I had to hide him under the blankets).  Once we arrived on Ramstein AFB we were absolutely exhausted. . . and looked horrible!  The 8 hour plane ride from Baltimore had caused swelling in feet, hands and face, capillaries were busted in the eyes, hair was frizzed and frayed. . . my poor supervisor must have wondered what she got herself into!  We arrived at our Temporary Living Quarters which was a massive house with 6 bedrooms and 3 baths around 3 pm.  We then promptly found a way to blow up our perfectly good HP (we were given an adapter for the outlet, but not the converter).  There was sparks, flames and smoke!  . . . and if that wasn't bad enough I then managed to fall halfway down a flight of marble stairs!  I found myself pouring silent tears and just wishing for 112 C Street and the comforts of home.  "It has to get better" I told myself repeatedly. . . only to wake up multiple times through the night for a hit of albuterol.  By the morning I was in a full-fledged asthma attack!  Good thing I brought my nebulizer, right??  This time we plugged our American machine in to the actual converter which turned out too pathetic to run the Neb. . . in the midst of the asthma attack Clayton did the next thing he could think of. . . he plugged it straight into the wall to give it more "juice". . . sparks, flames and fire!!!  I was panicking!  (the house was super old, smelled of mold, had live plants all over inside)  We had to get out! 

The next day consisted of running some errands, visiting the hospital where I will be working and taking a drive out to beautiful Kusel to see a house I have been viewing over the Internet.  Turns out the house was super cool!!. . . from the outside at least.  The inside reminded us of an office building with no real living room and the kind of flooring you would see in a hospital.  We then relocated to a new apartment free of allergens and spores.  My lungs survived the day . . let's hope they hang in there the rest of my 728 days in Germany :-)

(this was the house we went to look at. . not the one that induced the asthmatic state)


Anonymous said...

My poor baby! :-(
I hope things are better now!
I love and miss you already!
Tell Clayton I said thanks for being there for you during your asthma attack. Get you a NEW Nebulizer! XOXOXOXOXOXOX
Thanks for posting!

Sarah said...

Thanks mom! miss you too! things will get better I am sure. . . as soon as we get a car, some independance and maybe a trip to Paris ;-)

come see me soon!

Janell said...

Oh man...sounds bad but was funny to read. Hope your asthma does ok tho! :/ Love u!

Sarah said...


Love you too!!

I think the air here is much better than at home. . but the mold in the houses is worse :-/

Biffy said...

Those pastries in France helped, did they not?