Monday, May 18, 2009

Red Room

I have a RED room. . . there is no question about it!!

This will be my "guest" bedroom . . it was a little brighter than I thought it would be :-)


jennifer lord said...

hi! i must say that i love that shade of red!

Janell said...

WOW! Talk about not getting any sleep! *laughing* Cute tho!!

The Bingamans said...

this is too funny!!! I found your site from the pentecostal bloggers and we SO intrigued by this red room I had to see it bigger! Then to find out it's your site Sarah!! I'm misha and david's friend who was at the party on saturday. Proud parents of the candle blower! well, not one of our proudest moments I must say. So sorry we didn't get to chat more. Hope to see you again sometime! Misha was so happy to have you here in PA, you'll have to come back again!

Jacqueline Suzanne said...

I love your red room!!!

Sarah said...

Bingamans!! so glad you found my blog! Your little candle blower is so stinking cute! that was priceless! I enjoyed my time in PA. . . miss my buddy though. Glad to have met you :-)