Saturday, February 22, 2014

My day in Metz: The story of a rainy saturday in France

Today I traveled to a different country . . . why not?  Clayton is still in the states visiting family and I didn't want to get stuck home alone on another rainy day in Germany, so I wen to France.  I joined a group going from the base so I wasn't completely alone for most of the time.  We started off with the Metz antique/flea market . . it was fun but it was also a wake up call.  I was definitely not in California!  The prices were off the charts!  Some cute, red, little, metal chairs caught my attention and after figuring out how to ask how much they were I found out they were 80 euro for the set . . I only wanted one! . . and I only wanted it for 5-10 dollars!  LOL! (mom raised me right)  The flea market was an inside one (thank goodness!) and it was massive!!  When I first walked in I thought "how in the world and I going to get through all of this goodness in 2.5 hours??" but I sure nuff did!!  I was excited!  I was smiling!  I was wishing mom was there with me! . . . after asking "how much" for the first several items, however, my enthusiasm waned.  I was striking out big time!  I ended up meandering around the whole place a few times over just to waste the time . . . and then I saw him!! 

OH! It was love at first site!  I just had to have him!  He was about 1 foot tall, grey hair and beard, clad in red and blue and playing the accordion . . . Jacques!! Unfortunately his price tag was not so attractive and I quickly replaced him onto his mat . . . but I kept thinking about him.  I passed by another few times to see if he was still there . . he was . . . about 15 minutes before we had to board the bus I had to walk by again just to check.  There he was.  I couldn't decide . . . the cuteness (I have also wanted one of these little guys since moving to Europe . . and original, antique one) or the ridiculous price tag??  which would win??  I finally decided that I would offer 20 euro less than the asking price (we were told the French do not haggle) and if he accepted I would take him home . . if not he would be lost to me forever.  I left carrying little Jacques in my arms :-)  He would make the perfect "traveling gnome" if not for his 14 pounds of cast iron . . . but I did manage to get a few pics out and about in Metz before leaving for the day. 

We then continued on into the city center of Metz for a walking tour and then some free time.  About half was through our walking tour the rain started in.  It was still an enjoyable day, even if I was all alone and soaked.  The city has some pretty ancient history dating back some 3,000 years! Metz has always been a strategic city and a historic garrison town.  The city has been sacked numerous times throughout the years as far back as Julius Cesar to Attila the Hun to the German occupation during
WW2.  We were able to see three of the hundreds of Asian statues left behind by Attila the Hun that had once surrounded the city.  All but three had been destroyed by the citizens of Metz when they had regained their city and the three and now on display 20 feet below ground level with a grate covering them allowing them to bee viewed from above.

We also visited the magnificent cathedral of Saint-Étienne de Metz completed in 1520 ad.  The cathedral is nicknamed Good Lord's Lantern as it displays the largest expanse of stained glass in the world.  We were told that at night the windows light up just like a lantern of many beautiful colors and shapes.  Some of the stained glass that is found within the cathedral is the original from the 13th century!  It was beautiful indeed and I ended up spending a good 30 minutes at the end of the day sitting inside the cathedral and enjoying the beauty surrounding me.

Most of my free time was spent browsing through the shopping district and creating blisters on my pinkie toes.  For all the shopping that I did I was able to make it through the day with only one purchase . . a couple pairs of tights from Bonnie Doon Sockery . . they were too cute to pass up!

After living in Germany for over a year going to France for the day sure messed up my vocabulary!  I don't know much German but I do know how to get along in a store, say hi, bye, etc.  The French must have thought I was extra special . . . I was saying hello when leaving the stores, goodbye when entering . . and then giving the ol'blank stare routine.  I just want to communicate with people!


Anonymous said...

Great blog! I'm still laughing about the "hello" and "good bye". Glad you had fun! .... And I wish I had been with you! ❤ ~ love, mom

Biffy said...

Wow! As always your blogs are hilarious and I am TOTALLY jealous of little (and heavy) Jaq! Wish I could be there...

Sarah said...

mom ~ ha! I wish you had been with me too! We could have wreaked some havoc in that flea market with our combined forces :-)

biffy ~ me too . . I miss my friend